To those in the IFB who are quick to say, “Well, you left so you could be worldly, or you just don’t like hard preaching, or our standards”... No. We left because: 1. You have added to the scripture where the scripture is silent. 2. You don’t believe practically in the indwelling power and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the individual believer, so you have to be that for us. 3. You no longer represent historic Baptist and Protestant orthodoxy. In theory you are Baptist, but in practice you are still catholic. 4. You've become theologically lazy. You're well versed in soundbites & old timey rhetoric, but there's no content in those empty words. That's why your sermons are full of jokes, funny stories & personal experiences. You're making noise when you preach, but you say nothing. 5. You've elevated secondary and tertiary things to be as equal & even more highly emphasized than the gospel ...