

This is an area I struggle with, because I don't want to come across as someone that's begging, but I could really use your help right now guys. Ricky and I are struggling right now trying to make ends meet, and one of the things I could really use is some kitty food for Sahara, as well as food for us. I also want to make sure that we can pay an upcoming electric bill, as well as pay down my credit card, but my main priority is to make sure that we have food here. So, I'm doing something I really don't like doing, and asking for prayer, as well as ask him for those who would be willing to donate to help my husband and I out during this time, and to be a blessing to this little devotional blog ministry I have. It's up to you as to whether or not you want to give, but what I'm going to do is leave my PayPal and CashApp below, and if you'd like to give, please do.   PayPal.Me/WendySaddler   $WendySaddler




This post below, comes from a IFB pastor, who was caught and arrested for domestic assault. In this little diatribe, he refuses to admit any wrongdoing or express any remorse for his sinful actions. As a matter of fact, he blames his wife for what happened, saying that she ‘struggles with mental health’, basically calling her insane. However, the police report, and an independent witness totally say otherwise. I also love how he ‘requests’ to all professing Christians to “find their tongues and keyboards”, which I find absolutely ridiculous, especially since he's the one that spews poison and lies online. People, this is the perfect example of a narcissist abuser, who thinks that he is not responsible to anyone for his actions. I hate to break it to you Nathan, but you ARE responsible for your actions, and the person you are the most responsible for aside from your wife and the law, is almighty God, and when He holds you accountable He's going to hold you accountable!   


To those in the IFB who are quick to say, “Well, you left so you could be worldly, or you just don’t like hard preaching, or our standards”... No. We left because: 1. You have added to the scripture where the scripture is silent. 2.     You don’t believe practically in the indwelling power and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the individual believer, so you have to be that for us. 3.     You no longer represent historic Baptist and Protestant orthodoxy. In theory you are Baptist, but in practice you are still catholic. 4.     You've become theologically lazy. You're well versed in soundbites & old timey rhetoric, but there's no content in those empty words. That's why your sermons are full of jokes, funny stories & personal experiences. You're making noise when you preach, but you say nothing. 5.     You've elevated secondary and tertiary things to be as equal & even more highly emphasized than the gospel of Christ itself. Bible versions, d

IT HAS JUST BEGUN!! HALLELUJAH , GOD'S JUSTICE REIGNS SUPREME!! So very happy for you Joy, and for the justice you will finally get. Praying for you during this, and that ALL the truth about Jack Hyles and his corrupt, unbiblical, cult comes out!!

SEXUAL PREDATOR IN THE PULPIT PLEASE check out my story on Preacher Boys Podcast.

PREACHER BOYS PODCAST! Check out this really AWESOME podcast, that exposes the IFB, and see the truth for yourself!!