This post below, comes from a IFB pastor, who was caught and
arrested for domestic assault. In this little diatribe, he refuses to admit any
wrongdoing or express any remorse for his sinful actions. As a matter of fact,
he blames his wife for what happened, saying that she ‘struggles with mental
health’, basically calling her insane. However, the police report, and an
independent witness totally say otherwise. I also love how he ‘requests’ to all
professing Christians to “find their tongues and keyboards”, which I find absolutely
ridiculous, especially since he's the one that spews poison and lies online.
People, this is the perfect example of a narcissist abuser, who thinks that he
is not responsible to anyone for his actions. I hate to break it to you Nathan,
but you ARE responsible for your actions, and the person you are the most
responsible for aside from your wife and the law, is almighty God, and when He
holds you accountable He's going to hold you accountable!
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