Philippians 1:9 King James Version (KJV)
And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;

GREETINGS IN YESHUA ON THIS WONDROUS WEDNESDAY MORNING!!! Can you believe it’s 7 AM and I am already up!! HOLY COW!! Well, it is another gorgeous and AWESOME day that the Lord has made, and I will REJOICE and be glad in it, even if I’m still in Facebook jail! :P Yes, I’m still in Facebook jail, but I continue to REJOICE in this, because it’s living proof of what Jesus said in Matthew 5:10-11, and John 15:18. To expect persecution and opposition for my faith in Christ Jesus, because this world not only hates God, but they also hate His people!! However, in the midst of all this, I rejoice that I can still share the TRUTH of God’s Word with all of you, and I live in a country where I have the freedom to do so, even if Facebook won’t admit to this. I also praise God for having my husband’s Facebook page, where I can still proclaim the TRUTH, and for REAL godly friends, to help me do so.
This morning’s devotions were such an encouragement to me on this, because it is  reminder to me that God is using these things to help me to become not only more situationally aware, but more spiritually aware. He is also using these things to help me become more and more like HIM, so that as this verse above states, my love will abound more and more in Him. That I will develop a more concrete and sound spiritual situational awareness in Him, so that when things like this being put in Facebook jail occur, it will only strengthen and motivate me to serve God more! Most of all, I want to make sure that as my friend Darlene Schacht of the Time Warp Wife said so well of this study in Philippians, to make sure that, “Everything we do should stem from a deep love for the Father and mankind. Our knowledge and understanding is nothing without an intimate relationship with Christ.” That even when I encounter opposition and persecution, to continue looking towards and living out my faith in, Christ Jesus, no matter what, and to allow Him to use these things to make me more like Him.
This was Paul’s prayer for the Philippian church, and it’s a prayer of my heart too. I want the things I do, to stem from a sincere and deep love for my Savior, and I want to share this love for my Savior, Jesus with all those I encounter, even if it’s only with a smile. I want to, and plan to continue to share the TRUTH in love with this lost and dying world, allow Christ Jesus to mold, shape, and fashion me, even using what is occurring in my life right now, into who He wants me to be. To help me become more spiritually situationally aware, and to help me become the person God intends for me to be!!  This is something I pray not just for myself, but for all of you. That everything you do and say stems from a sincere and passionate love for Christ Jesus, that your knowledge and understanding includes a passionate and intimate relationship with Christ, but most of all, that you will allow Him to make you more like Him daily!!

Until Later Gang;



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